Developer: First Grade Team
School: Roland Park Elementary/Middle School
Date: December 2005
Unit Topic/Title: Data Detectives
Grade Level: Grade 1
Time Frame: On-going throughout the school year
Maryland standards require that students be able to represent and interpret graphic data. Early and frequent exposure to these standards through fun and creative activities leads to true mastery of these essential skills.

4.0 Mathematics: Students will collect, organize, display, analyze, or interpret data to make decisions and predictions.
7.0 Mathematics: Students demonstrate the process of mathematics by making connections and applying reasoning to solve and to communicate their findings
4.0 Writing: Students will compose effective expressive, informational and persuasive writing.
Brain Target #1 - Emotional Climate


Students love counting objects, quantifying the world around them and solving problems. They will form an emotional connection with graphing by searching for data to complete various graphs. They will enjoy becoming “detectives” who search for data in order to earn their graphing badge. Student will have a personal connection and choice in the themes of the monthly graphs.

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Brain Target #2 - Physical Environment


  • Teacher/Student created displays of related work
  • Manipulatives displayed for various activities
  • Classroom and outdoor learning environments
  • Cooperative and small group learning opportunities
  • “Student as teacher” led discussions
  • Movement and human graphing

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Brain Target #3 - Learning Design

Introductory “Big Picture” Activity/Assessment of Prior Knowledge

  • As a class we will read the story The Greatest Trip Ever. We will discuss how the storybook characters used data collection graphing to make a decision.
  • Brainstorm: “What would be the best field trip ever.”
  • Discuss: “How could the class decide where to go on this field trip?”

Concept Map/Advanced Organizer (Click here for concept maps)


4.0 Mathematics: Students will collect, organize, display, analyze, or interpret data to make decisions and predictions.

7.0 Mathematics: Students demonstrate the process of mathematics by making connections and applying reasoning to solve and to communicate their findings

4.0 Writing: Students will compose effective expressive, informational and persuasive writing.

Learning Goals: Students will use numbers to represent and compare quantity and will use various graphs to display data.

Instructional Objectives

  • Students will know graphing elements and be able to create class and individual graphs.
  • Students will know data collection methods and be able to sort, tally, survey, and group information to create graphs.
  • Students will know how to analyze and interpret data and be able to compare quantities using written analysis.
  • Students will know a variety of graphs and be able to collect and display data using the appropriate techniques.
  • Students will know how to utilize graphing skills and be able to collect and analyze data in various content areas.

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Brain Target #4 - Teaching for Mastery (Declarative and Procedural Knowledge)

Data Collection

  • Students will maintain daily tallies for 100 days of school (Click here for picture).
  • Students will maintain monthly tooth tally and weather charts (continued throughout the year).
  • Students will be given a target question and chart. They will work in teams to collect survey results from adults around the school.
  • Students will sort groups of objects by attributes.

Types of Graphs

  • As a class we will discus glyphs as a method of pictorially representing information. Students will complete a “Baby Block Glyph” about themselves and share the information with classmates.
  • Each student will draw a picture of him/herself. We will create a class pictograph of girls and boys on the board using their drawings.
  • As a class we will read the story of Johnny Appleseed. Students will be given a sample of red and green apples. After tasting each type of apple, the students will decide which color apple they prefer. We will create a bar graph of the class' apple preferences.

Data Analysis

  • As a class we will create a floor graph of shoe types (tennis, dress, etc.). We will discuss the concepts of more, less, equal to, greater than, less than, and total quantity. We will review the elements of a graph as well as types of graphs.
  • Students will be able to complete a prompted data analysis assignment based on the floor graph.

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Brain Target #5 - Teaching for Application (Extension and Application of Knowledge)
  • Students will complete the survey, “Do you like pizza?” In small groups, they will survey ten adults within the school building. Using the data they collected, each individual will create a bar graph and will respond in writing to prompted analysis questions.

  • Students will be given a bag filled with various shapes. They will sort the shapes according to a specified attribute. Using the collected data, they will complete a tally chart and a pictograph. Each student will analyze his/her data for more, less, equal to, and total quantity.

  • The class will take a nature walk. During the walk, they will collect leaves. In small groups, students will sort the leaves by color and create a bar graph. As a class, we will compare all graphs and analyze the data.

  • Students will be divided into four teams to play the game “Data Detective.” Each group will be asked questions about graph elements, data collection, types of graphs or data analysis. (Ex. This graph uses pictures to display its data).

  • As a class, we will play a floor graph game. Each student will select an information card from a bag. Each team will take a turn providing a piece of the graph. When each child has had a turn, a completion of each, students will earn a piece of the detective badge. When the badge is complete, students will have mastered graphing concepts. (Click here for picture of student with badge.)

  • Students will be given a bowl of cereal to sort. After completing a tally chart, students will create a graph and provide a written analysis of their findings.

  • We will read the story Chrysanthemum. After reading, students will count the number of letters in their first names. We will create a floor-sized graph of the students' names. We will then use the graph to complete addition and subtraction data analysis questions. (Ex. “How many students had 6 letter and 7 letter names?”)

  • Home-School Connection: We will read the story I Go with my Family to Grandma's. Students will be given a family pictograph to complete and analyze at home.

  • We will have a class president vote. After discussing how the nation decides on our president, we will hold our own election. Students will vote for a candidate. We will tally and graph the results to determine a winner. The winner will get to be the class president for the day. This activity will provide the students with a real world idea about the importance of data collection and analysis.

  • Students will eat lunch in the classroom. As a class, we will create a graph of sandwiches, desserts, chips, juice and cookies.

  • Students will participate in a bake sale. They will survey students from various classes to determine the eight most-enjoyed treats. Students will then graph the results and create poster advertising for the bake. They must include a written analysis explaining why those eight treats were selected to sell.

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Brain Target #6 - Evaluating Learning
  • Rubric for evaluating the appropriate labels for a graph.
  • Rubric for completing detective badge activity.
  • Rubric for written analysis of bake sale activity.

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