The Brain-Targeted Teaching Model in Action: The following sample learning units illustrate our model for improving teaching and student achievement in the classroom. And you can download a template for developing your own learning units at the bottom of the learning unit chart.

Click on the title of a learning unit to view it in html, Microsoft Word, or PowerPoint file formats. We welcome your comments for improvement. On the menu above, click "About BTT" for more information about the Brain-Targeted Teaching® Model. If you would like to contact Dr. Hardiman or a member of our team with questions or comments, click "Contact Us" above. We look forward to hearing from you.
Instructional Level
Learning Unit Title
1. Early Elementary School M. Mundie & T. Jackson Pre-K What's Sprouting in Spring?
M. Mundie & T. Jackson Pre-K What's Sprouting in Spring (PPT)
Meghan Shea Parker Pre-K Under the Cherry Blossom Tree
A. James, K. Spann K Three Little Pigs
A. James, K. Spann K Three Little Pigs (PPT)
Lu Chen, Qiusu Wang, Xiaoli Sun, Liya Lin. Kindergarten, Math Geometric Forms in our World
Lu Chen, Qiusu Wang, Xiaoli Sun, Liya Lin. Kindergarten Geometric Forms slides
First Grade Team Grade 1 Data Detectives
Linn Thorburn Grades K-1 How Does My Garden Grow?
Linn Thorburn Grades K-1 How Does My Garden Grow? (PPT)
Allyson Eno Grade 1 Where We Are in Place and Time
Allyson Eno Grade 1 Where We Are in Place and Time (PPT)
Jaime Clough 2nd grade Literacy Animals All Around Me
Amanda Robison and Sarah Dedmon Grades 1 and 3 Pollution in Our Environment
Amanda Robison and Sarah Dedmon Grades 1 and 3 Pollution in Our Environment (PPT)
Jessica Frank, Maria Fratangelo, Tejhra White Self-Contained 1-4 Nutrition
Jessica Frank, Maria Fratangelo, Tejhra White Self-Contained 1-4 Nutrition (PPT)
2. Late Elementary School Clare O'Malley Grizzard 4 ELA Telling Stories: Mythmaking
Clare O'Malley Grizzard 4 ELA Telling Stories: Myth Making ppt
Tabitha Bathras 4 Government: The Basics
Tabitha Bathras 4 Government: The Basics (PPT)
Erin Bodlak Grade 4 Immigration and Culture
Erin Bodlak Grade 4 Immigration and Culture
Katie Cole Grade 4 Spirituals
Katie Cole Grade 4 Spirituals (PPT)
Janice Vina G. Dotimas Grade 4 Human Impact on Marine Ecosystem
Janice Vina G. Dotimas Grade 4 Human Impact on Marine Ecosystem (PPT)
Elizabeth Harris Grade 4 Improving Attention Skills in the Classroom
Elizabeth Harris Grade 4 Improving Attention Skills in the Classroom (PPT)
Amanda Beyea, Kathleen, Bittinger, Karen Hennessy, Sonya Kim, Kara Senich, Val Wise Grade 4 Save the Bay (PPT)
Clare Grizzard 5th grade ELA Civil War based on Wit & Wisdom curriculum
Clare Grizzard 5th grade ELA 5th grade Civil War slide set
L. Bluth and C. Grizzard Grade 5 Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
Anna Carello Grade 5 Revolution!
Anna Carello Grade 5 Revolution (PPT)
Liz DeSell, Amber Kilcoyne, Andrea Kordonski Grade 5 Tuck Everlasting Novel Study
Liz DeSell, Amber Kilcoyne, Andrea Kordonski Grade 5 Tuck Everlasting Novel Study (PPT)
Jacque Gehrt 5 Agriculture in Colonial Times and Today
Tamika Robinson, Julie Tran, Dawne Wilson Grade 5 Nutrition/Healthy Habit, Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies
Tamika Robinson, Julie Tran, Dawne Wilson Grade 5 Nutrition/Healthy Habit, Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies (PPT)
3. Middle School Lindsay Cook Grade 6/Middle School World History: Becoming a Civilization
Lindsay Cook Grade 6 World History: Becoming a Civilization
Alexandra Fleming Grade 6 The Mythological Stories of Ancient Greece
Georgia Woerner Grade 6 - G/T The Universe
Georgia Woerner Grades 6 and 7 Introduction to Science Skills
Rachael Barilliari, Clare O’Malley Grizzard 7th ELA Wit & Wisdom Module 3 Spring 2020 The Power of Language, Understanding Persuasion through Propaganda
Rachel Barilliari, Clare O'Malley Grizzard 7th ELA Wit & Wisdom Mod 3 Spring 2020 (PPT) The Power of Language, Understanding Persuasion through Propaganda
Christina DiMicelli Grade 7 Digital Footprints
Christina DiMicelli Grade 7 Digital Footprints (PPT)
Michelle Dawson Grades 7-8 Proportional Sleuths!
Michelle Dawson Grades 7-8 Proportional Sleuths! (PPT)
Jennifer Funk Grade 8 Greek Mythology
Alex Finoggenoff Middle School Communities Count/Common Ground
Alex Finoggenoff Middle School Communities Count/Common Ground (PPT)
4. Early High School Tyler Callister Grade 9 Genetic Engineering in Reproductive Medicine
Tyler Callister Grade 9 Genetic Engineering in Reproductive Medicine (PPT)
Audra Ricke Grades 9-12 Movements Through Time: Art History Unit
Brent Pasko Grade 10 Code of Chivalry
Vanessa DeLoach High School The Civil Rights Movement
5. Late High School Helen Markiewicz Grades 10-11 You Are the Light of My Life
Helen Markiewicz Grades 10-11 You Are the Light of My Life (PPT)
S. Novak Grade 11 What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Conforming?
6. Higher Education Angela Beyer College Middle Childhood Development (PPT)
Angela Beyer College Middle Childhood Development

Learning Unit Template: Click here to download our free Learning Unit Template.

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